Community Potato Harvest!
This spring, Jonathan Bates along with many great volunteers (including Nook & Cranny Farm), and Don Barber with his draft horses, planted a half acre of potatoes at RoseBarb Farm in Caroline with the intent of donating them to people in the community.
When it was time for harvest Friendship Donations Network coordinated community members to harvest potatoes, to take home or donate to local food programs serving our community. A total of 30 people came to the beautiful countryside of Caroline and harvested 2000 pounds of potatoes over three days.
The potatoes were distributed by FDN partners at Southside Community Center, the YMCA, PressBay pantry, No Mas Lagrimas pop-up food distributions, and at Neighborhood Food Hubs and Mutual Aid Food Sharing Cabinets throughout Tompkins County. Potatoes were also delivered to the kitchens at Loaves and Fishes and the Salvation Army where thousands of free meals to go are prepared each week.
Thank you to everyone who came together to make this community effort possible!