Food Donor Spotlight: Cornell Egg-Vengers
Interview by Nicholas Jayne, May 2021
Partner Organization: Cornell Egg-Vengers
Interviewees: Regina Martinez, Vice-President
Brianna Green, Co-President
Location: Cornell University, 616 Thurston Avenue, Ithaca, New York 14853
Partner Background:
The Cornell Egg-Vengers are a group of Cornell University animal science students who work to fight food insecurity and waste. Founded by PhD student Kasey Schalich, the Egg-Vengers collect 30 dozen safe but unsellable eggs each week from Cornell Poultry Farm and redistribute them to local food banks.
How Did Your Group Come Up With Such an Amazing Name?
“We were trying to brainstorm names and come up with cute, clever things,” says Regina Martinez, Vice-President of the organization. “Somebody… I think it was Kasey… threw out ‘Egg-Vengers.’ We went with that temporarily, then we all decided (later) that we really liked it. We’re saving the eggs; we’re the Egg-Vengers.”
How Did the Egg-Vengers Get Involved With FDN?
“Right when we all got together,” says Brianna Green, the organization’s Co-President, “we were looking at places locally that we could donate these eggs to. I got into contact with (former FDN Interim Coordinator Carolyn Tomaino). She got everything worked out, and then, when (current FDN Coordinator Meaghan Sheehan Rosen) came back she just kept the flow going.”
What Do You Enjoy About Being Partnered With FDN?
“I do like the interactions,” Regina says, “but I think it’s really the knowing that those eggs are going somewhere good and they’re doing something for the community.”
“A lot in the Ithaca community is connected,” Brianna says, “I also work at the (Ithaca) Farmers Market, and you’d be surprised at how many connections there are between FDN, farmers, and community members in general. Just to be more deeply involved in the community is something that’s really special.”
Memorable FDN Experience:
“Hearing where the eggs are going, that families really appreciate the eggs, and that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to have them, was very eye-opening and uplifting for me to hear,” Regina says. “(I also heard that) our egg cartons were being recycled and used as planters for sprouts; I thought this was great because (part of) our mission is sustainability and reducing food waste.”
Lesser-Known Fact About the Egg-Vengers:
Since their founding, the Cornell University Egg-Vengers have donated nearly 10,000 eggs that would have otherwise gone to waste. These eggs have been redistributed to food insecure people, and a majority have gotten to said people through FDN.
For more information about the Egg-Vengers, please email the group at