
FDN on WRFI Community Radio

On Friday May 26, FDN board member, Art Pearce, and Coordinator, Meaghan Sheehan Rosen, joined Ute Ritz-Deutch on WRFI’s Human Rights and Social Justice Program for a conversation about FDN, food waste, food recovery, and more. You can listen at the link below.

FDN on PEGASYS Presents

Friendship Donations Network board member, Art Pearce, and program coordinator, Meaghan Sheehan Rosen, recently recorded a show with PEGASYS Presents on Ithaca’s public access channel 13. They discuss the role of Friendship Donations Network in our community and show the new video by Mark Hartsuyker “The Story of Friendship Donations Network: rescuing food, reducing hunger”.  The show will air at […]