Friendship Donations Network (Page 26)

Invitation to Just Be Cause Center Opening!

You are invited to celebrate the opening of the Just Be Cause Not-for-profit Development Center, site of Friendship Donations Network’s new home! Monday, September 30, 2013 3pm – 6pm 1013 W. State / MLK Jr. St., Ithaca The official Ribbon Cutting will happen at 3:00 PM and there will be a brief program on the […]

3rd Annual Food Justice Summit, September 21, 2013

A message from our friends at GreenStar Community Projects: Do you eat well? It might seem like a silly question, but eating fresh, local, nutritious food is not a reality for everyone in our community. Together, we can build a better reality! GreenStar Community Projects invites you to join the third annual Food Justice Summit – […]